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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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For those of you like me who want to try software before reading
the instructions, all you have to do to get started is add a single
line to your .twmrc file. Something like this:
VirtualDesktop "3000x2000"
Now for the verbose description:
This is yet another, different implementation of the Virtual Desktop
concept for twm. I call this version tvtwm (Tom's Virtual twm). It is
based on the R4 version of twm with up to fix-14 installed. This
implementation is modeled after swm (Solbourne Window Manager) and
includes the very nice ability to move windows into and out of the
panner. It should be noted that none of this code came from the vtwm
implementation. If you have problems and/or patches you can email me
at the address at the end of this file.
If we look at different implementations of the Virtual Desktop, I think
we can relate them to soft drinks:
swm - Classic Coke "The Real Thing"
tvtwm - Diet Coke "Same as Coke but not as sweet"
vtwm - Diet Pepsi "Not as sweet as Coke, some people may
prefer it to any flavor of Coke"
There are pros and cons to the vtwm and swm/tvtwm implementations. Most
revolve around whether or not to use an additional window for the
scrolling desktop or to simply move windows around on the actual
root window.
vtwm moves windows on the actual root window, swm/tvtwm use an
additional window to perform the scrolling.
vtwm Simple to implement.
Programs like xsetroot continue to work.
tvtwm Half the network traffic when the desktop scrolls,
only a ConfigureNotify event has to be sent.
Faster scrolling of the desktop.
Desktop background image will actually scroll.
Opens the door for possible multiple Virtual Desktop
vtwm Twice as much network traffic when the desktop scrolls,
each window has to be moved and then a ConfigureNotify
event must be sent.
Slower scrolling of the desktop.
Desktop background image does not scroll.
tvtwm Programs like xsetroot no longer work, additional work
needs to be done to find the Virtual Desktop window.
Programs that attempt to find the size of the window
manager decoration may fail if the traverse the window
tree until they run into the actual root window.
The ICCCM states that more work needs to be done in the area of
virtual root windows, so there isn't any clear answer on the right
way to implement this feature. Having said that, let me describe
how I've butchered the code, what currently doesn't work, what would
be nice if it worked, etc.
1. First a description of how the panner works. Basically,
mouse button 1 allows you to change your position in the
desktop. Mouse button 2 allows you to drag any of the
small "virtual" windows. During a window move operation
you can move the pointer into and out of the panner.
Resizing the panner will of course resize the desktop.
2. I completely re-wrote the window move code. In menus.c I
simply commented out the window move code that is there and
didn't touch any code related to window moves in events.c.
The new window move code is in a new file called move.c.
3. Rather than the f.nail and "NailedDown" features of vtwm, tvtwm
uses the same terminology as swm. In tvtwm, windows that do
not move when the desktop is panned are called "sticky" windows.
There is a command called f.stick and a "Sticky" list of windows
that will be sticky when started. Sticky windows used to always
be physically above non-sticky windows. This is no longer the case
but if you have gotten used to it, you can place the "StickyAbove"
keyword in your .{tv}twmrc file. The sticky-ness of a window is
remembered during an f.restart if RestartPreviousState is set.
4. USPosition vs. PPosition - When a window has USPosition hints
set, the window will be positioned at that exact pixel location.
When PPosition hints are set, the window will be positioned at
the pixel location plus the current offset of the Virtual Desktop.
For example, if the desktop has been panned to +200+500 and
a window is mapped with PPosition +100+100, the window will be
positioned at +300+600 on the desktop.
5. How does the icon gravity stuff work in relation to different areas
of the Virtual Desktop? I don't know, and I don't really have the
time to look into the problem. It might be nice to have seperate icon
regions in different quadrants of the Virtual Desktop. If you use
icon managers and make them sticky then you don't have any problems.
6. The initialization files .tvtwmrc.<screen number> and .tvtwmrc will
be attempted before .twmrc.<screen number> .twmrc.
New Variables:
VirtualDesktop "WIDTHxHEIGHT"
This variable simply specified the initial size of the Virtual Desktop.
Specifying this variable enables the Virtual Desktop feature.
Why didn't I use the same syntax as vtwm and also specify the panner
scale and geometry? I don't know, lazy I guess.
VirtualDesktopBackgroundPixmap "filename"
The pixmap image to display as the background of the Virtual Desktop window.
VirtualDesktopBackground "color"
The background color of the VirtualDesktop window. If
VirtualDesktopBackgroundPixmap is not set, the VirtualDesktop will have a
solid background of this color.
VirtualDesktopForeground "color"
This color is only used if VirtualDesktopBackgroundPixmap is set.
VirtualForeground "color" [ { window list } ]
Specifies the foreground color for the small virtual panner windows.
VirtualBackground "color" [ { window list } ]
Specifies the background color for the small virtual panner windows.
VirtualFont "5x8"
The font to use when ShowVirtualNames is specified.
This causes the window name to be displayed in the small virtual
panner window. The VirtualFont is used to display the name.
PannerGeometry "+-X+-Y"
Specifies the geometry at which the panner is to be placed. The
default is "-0-0".
PannerState "state"
This specifies the initial state of the panner. Possible values
include "withdrawn", "iconic", and "normal". The default state
is "normal".
PannerScale scale
This specifies the scale of the panner. The default number is 20.
PannerBackgroundPixmap "filename"
The pixmap image to display as the background of the panner window.
PannerBackground "color"
The background color of the panner window. If PannerBackgroundPixmap
is not set, the panner will have a solid background of this color.
PannerForeground "color"
This color is only used if PannerBackgroundPixmap is set.
ScrollDistanceX percentage
ScrollDistanceY percentage
The percentage of the display width/height to move for the f.scroll
Sticky { window list }
A list of windows that will come up in a sticky state.
Causes sticky windows to always be physically above non-sticky windows.
NoIconTitle [ { window list } ]
Specifies that no titles should be displayed below icons. If the
optional window list is present then only those clients will
not have icon titles.
IconTitle { window list }
Specifies a list of clients that will have icon titles. Useful
when NoIconTitle has been specified alone.
New Commands:
f.panner - toggle making the panner visible
f.scroll "position" - scroll to a specific position
f.scrollhome - scroll the desktop to 0,0
f.scrollup - scroll the desktop up ScrollDistanceY
f.scrolldown - scroll the desktop down ScrollDistanceY
f.scrollleft - scroll the desktop left ScrollDistanceX
f.scrollright - scroll the desktop right ScrollDistanceX
f.scrollback - scroll back to the previous location
f.panup - same as f.scrollup
f.pandown - same as f.scrolldown
f.panleft - same as f.scrollleft
f.panright - same as f.scrollright
f.stick - toggle making a window sticky or not
A version of xsetroot, called ssetroot has been included as an
example of how to find the Virtual Desktop window.
Tom LaStrange
Solbourne Computer Inc. ARPA: toml@Solbourne.COM
1900 Pike Rd. UUCP: ...!{boulder,sun}!stan!toml
Longmont, CO 80501